writ·er (ˈtrētmənt/) (ˈrīdər/) noun: a person who writes visual presentations conveying a creative vision.  that presentation is called a, "treatment".
di·rec·tor /diˈrektər,dīˈrektər/ noun: a person who controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects.
in addition to carrying out the artistic vision from paper to screen, my job is to also create a visual representation of any given concept.  i research, collect and create all visual elements relevant to the project, create dynamic ways to layout and visually express that vision. 
my treatments are crafted through close collaboration with those i work with. i write and design with the director's and brand’s language in mind, finding a happy balance that honors the director's voice while never neglecting brand objectives or core values.
high concept television commercial, music video, reality tv treatments, copywriting, integrated/multi platform branded content, stylized storytelling and directing

based in los angeles

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